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Museums in Jakobstad

Museums in Jakobstad


The Jakobstad-Pietarsaari museum

The Jakobstad museum is an historical museum that was established in 1904 with a particular focus on maritime history and shipbuilding which played an important role in the history of Jakobstad. The museum of the city, The Malm house, is situated in the city center at Storgatan/Isokatu 2. In the Malm house you can learn about the city’s history through the Malm family history and their trading company and  get a view also on the city’s maritime history. In the exhibition there is a trading company office from late 19th century, ship portraits and ship models. In one of the additional buildings there are presented an old shop from the countryside, a hairdresser’s lounge, a working class home from the 1950’s and also a traditional farmhouse and a tackle chamber.

The museum also includes several other “facilities” such as the Tobacco museum, the Mother Westman’s cottage, the Runeberg’s cottage and the Exhibion Centre Tempus.



Storgatan 2-4
68600 Jakobstad/Pietarsaari



+358 6 786 3373